Trencher Rock Teeth Maintenance Tips You Should Know

Trencher Rock Teeth Maintenance Tips You Should Know

If you have ever made a series of trencher rock teeth replacements due to unforeseen faults, then it is about time you understand the importance of maintenance exercise. Unfortunately, most people ignore the maintenance exercise only to end up replacing the trencher rock teeth over and over. This should not be the case. All you need is to utilize the following ideas, and your trencher rock teeth will be just fine:

Inspect regularly

The truth is that some faults affecting the trencher rock teeth develop gradually and can hardly be noticed. This is what eventually culminates into major faults, hence affecting the entire trenching system. It is therefore important to ensure that you embark on regular checkups on your trencher rock teeth. In case you notice something that is not normal, then you should embark on the respective maintenance exercise.

Clean regularly

Cleaning the trencher rock teeth is one of the simplest exercises yet the most effective as far as maintenance is concerned. It is important to note that the teeth are made of metal, which can easily react with dirt or stains and eventually develop cavities. In some cases, corrosion may occur as a result of failure to clean your trencher rock teeth. Therefore, you are advised to ensure that you clean the trencher rock teeth immediately after use to reduce the risk of developing faults.

Sharpen Regularly

Some of the faults that affect the trencher rock teeth are a result of bluntness that develops extensively. It is important to note that blunt trencher rock teeth not only limit your operations but also subject your trencher to possible damages. Therefore, you must ensure that your trencher rock teeth are sharpened regularly for smooth operations and long service.

Keep Dry

Once you are done with cleaning the trencher rock teeth, make sure that the surfaces remain dry always. This can be done by wiping the blade and keeping it in a dry area. One of the benefits of keeping them dry is that corrosion is avoided.